80's Child A2ZArticles

Blogchatter A2Z Theme Reveal


2020 was a year none of us can forget, try as we might. The Black Swan event as they call it, dawned upon us, and how. It was March of 2020 when I decided to take my writing sojourn a nano step further and set up a blog. I came to know of A2Z and Blogchatter through my social media feed and jumped in at the last minute without a single post ready. I wrote about my travel experiences in last few years, turning the pages of my memory, dusting off old guidebooks languishing in my book shelf, untouched, for years. Every day I spent hours poring over the pictures, souvenirs and notes from the journeys, carefully preserved. It was hard writing one new post every day, trying to pace up, yet an immensely satisfying experience and much needed distraction from the pandemic anxiety. My Blogchatter A2Z 2020 posts are here.This March, I have a sense of déjà vu, my daughter’s school going back to online mode after a brief reprieve and the headlines flashing an upward pointing graph of Covid cases. I am again taking the plunge into black and white nostalgia, grey and sepia memories and taking refuge in reading and writing to keep my virus worries at bay. This year I am writing about growing up in a world that was simpler, with fewer resources, but spared us a lot of time and imagination. Those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s cherish the innocence and beauty of the time we revelled in. We are also a generation that witnessed massive and path breaking changes in the world around us. I am going to reflect on those and more. Stay tuned and let us go down the memory lane, one alphabet each day of April. To register for the challenge click here


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