It was the usual scene on the platform. Passengers rushed past to get to their coach in the train due for arrival in some time. Porters carrying heavy luggage, families with babies and children in…
ये ऊँची इमारतें इनके नीचे दफन है कुछ पेड़, कुछ पंछियों के नीड़ शायद कोई संकरी गली छप्परों से ढकी जो झुग्गियों में तब्दील हुई कोई बहती नदी जो धीरे धीरे नाले में बदल गयी…
Oman is a small country nestled between UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Arabian Sea. Due to popularity of UAE as a tourist and aviation hub, Oman has always been a local tourist’s getaway. But of…
Around 180 km from Bangalore, 110 km from Mysore, we set out for a trip towards Hassan, to visit two ancient temples near Belur, a small town in Karnataka. I was not expecting much, other…
Global travel industry has been booming for last few years, creating millions of jobs and revenue for the respective geographies. While on one side, it’s a welcome trend and a new sunshine sector for generating…
Kenya, also known as the Safari Capital of the world, has a considerable area devoted to wildlife habitats. I visited Kenya along with friends, without much planning or knowledge about the place. This was my…
Welcome to my little corner on the big wide web. What can you read here? Poetry, Travel Stories, Quirky Tales, Articles and more. Writing is my way of reaching out to the universe. The written word, an introvert's window to the world.