Present In The Present
May 23, 2020
Hello, here, I’m here, perched on the wooden frame, yes. Okay, you got me. Welcome to the Guptas’ living room. I’m the oldest member of this family. They call me Grandfather’s clock but I actually…
May 23, 2020
पानी की लाइन में खड़ी औरतें बतिया रही थीं| “हमारी किस्मत में तो बस ये लाइनें ही लिखी हैं|” “अरे क्या हुआ रधिया|” उषा उसके थोड़ा पीछे लाइन में सर पर साड़ी का पल्ला किये खड़ी थी|…
दादी की डायरी
May 23, 2020
विन्नी झुंझलाती हुई स्कूल से आयी और बैग सोफे पर पटक दिया। “अरे क्या हुआ विन्नी?” उसे देख दादी ने कहा। “दादी मैथ का ढेर सारा होमवर्क मिला है आज। मम्मी पापा ऑफिस के टूर पर हैं…
पच्चीस दिन पच्चीस कविताएं
May 7, 2020
Day 1 समय आसमान धुला, नीला, धूप में खिला खिला रुई के मुलायम फुग्गे जैसे बादलों से खेलता वो समय याद हो आया, जब माँ सफेद यूनिफार्म नील लगाकर धूप में सुखाती थी लगा जैसे…
Reflection Post
May 4, 2020
A mommy to two kids, I shifted back to India from UAE recently. Life took a turn, as it does most unexpectedly. Earlier, the action-packed workdays, busy evenings, school calendars, grocery shopping, outings and chores…
Z-Zero Point, Sikkim परबत वो सबसे ऊंचा
May 1, 2020
North Sikkim is the Upper Himalayan region in the state of Sikkim, which shares the border with China. It is marked by heavy army presence and unspoilt pristine beauty. In recent years, the region has…
YOL Camp, Dharamsala and more
May 1, 2020
YOL Camp is the name of a small place in Himachal, 10 km from Dharamsala and 15 km from Kangra. The small town was setup by British Indian Army in 1849 and a cantonment was…
X -eXquisite Hoysala Architecture
May 1, 2020
Around 180 km from Bangalore, 110 km from Mysore, we set out for a trip towards Hassan, to visit two ancient temples near Belur, a small town in Karnataka. I was not expecting much, other…
W-Women and Travel
April 30, 2020
Women Only Travel, Wanderlust, Solo Traveller, these are some of the terms we often hear for female travellers going it alone or in groups with other women. There is something very liberating about being on…