It was the usual scene on the platform. Passengers rushed past to get to their coach in the train due for arrival in some time. Porters carrying heavy luggage, families with babies and children in…
ये ऊँची इमारतें इनके नीचे दफन है कुछ पेड़, कुछ पंछियों के नीड़ शायद कोई संकरी गली छप्परों से ढकी जो झुग्गियों में तब्दील हुई कोई बहती नदी जो धीरे धीरे नाले में बदल गयी…
I find rivers intriguing. As a child, I journeyed through India aboard Bharatiya Rail and waited for the rumbling of iron rails of a rail bridge, every time train crossed over a river. Few moments…
Welcome to Day 5 of Blogchatter A2Z. I am going back to my Egyptian Odyssey, as I like to call it. Mention Egypt and you are transported to a dreamy world of God like Kings…
A mommy to two kids, I shifted back to India from UAE recently. Life took a turn, as it does most unexpectedly. Earlier, the action-packed workdays, busy evenings, school calendars, grocery shopping, outings and chores…
Prague, also known as Praha, the capital city of Czech Republic, was the capital of Kingdom of Bohemia and residence of Holy Roman Emperors, esp. King Charles IV. Prague is the cultural centre of Europe…
Welcome to my little corner on the big wide web. What can you read here? Poetry, Travel Stories, Quirky Tales, Articles and more. Writing is my way of reaching out to the universe. The written word, an introvert's window to the world.