Travel Tales

Q-The Quest to Wander and Wonder

‘Travel’ is often quoted as a passion, hobby, interest, a way to break the routine, go new places or countries, explore other geographies, cultures, weather, food, language, meet new people or simply marvel at nature’s…

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Travel Tales

P - Prague, The Bohemian Soul

Prague, also known as Praha, the capital city of Czech Republic, was the capital of Kingdom of Bohemia and residence of Holy Roman Emperors, esp. King Charles IV. Prague is the cultural centre of Europe…
Travel Tales

O - Oman Adventures

Oman is a small country nestled between UAE, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Arabian Sea. Due to popularity of UAE as a tourist and aviation hub, Oman has always been a local tourist’s getaway. But of…
Travel Tales

N- Narmada, The Sacred River

I find rivers intriguing. As a child, I journeyed through India aboard Bharatiya Rail and waited for the rumbling of iron rails of a rail bridge, every time train crossed over a river. Few moments…

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Travel Tales

M-Madras Is An Emotion (Quirky Travel Tales)

Call it cliché or filmy, popular culture sees Madras a certain way. It’s the Chennai Express or Rajnikanth effect. But, Madras is a lot more than Rajnikanth, Prabhudeva, Idly Dosa or Nariyal Pani. As many…
Travel Tales

L - Lachen, A Small Village in North Sikkim

“Great things are done when men and mountains meet; This is not done by jostling in the street.” -William Blake When life overwhelms, routines suffocate, air is too balmy, streets too crowded or mind too…
Travel Tales

Jordanian Jaunt

Jordan, a peaceful oasis in the tumultuous Middle East Region, is a small country with past dating back to Palaeolithic Period. Jordan is landlocked, surrounded by Palestine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iraq and a…